End the pressures and detentions against Political Exiles

Ecevit Piroglu , a revolutionary from Turkey has been at detention in Serbia for a while upon extradition request of Turkey via Interpol . A hearing is scheduled for 3 June 22 at a higher court in Serbia to hear and resolve the appeal brought by his lawyers against decisions of lower courts which approved the extradition.

Those who corroborate with the Turkish State and Erdogan Government’s policy of
persecution against the exiles that live abroad are also in fact supporting suppressive policies of fascism .

The Serbian State must end the the extradition process immediately
against Ecevit Piroglu who is leading a life of a committed revolutionary.

We hereby call an end to the interpol pressure on exiles and the arrests .
We demand the immediate release of Ecevit Piroglu and call on public to be vigilant on this matter.

End the pressures and detentions against Political Exiles ..

40 kez okundu.

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